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Optimal Wellbeing

Health is not just the absence of pain or disease. It is the optimal manifestation of all your body’s systems including the mind that controls it.

The mission statement for Southcote Proactive Healthcare reads:

We aim,
      through training, teamwork and professional excellence
      - to provide individualised care

...because your health is our concern

We consider health to be as far-reaching as any dictionary definition will allow it. Between our many practitioners with their varied training and experience is a body of expertise we believe can go a long way to achieve such a goal.


We firmly believe in the benefit of regular check-ups from the practitioners, who were able to help you in the past. Pain or dysfunction do not need to be obvious for us to detect it and before it becomes significant it is so much easier to correct and much less likely to have affected other systems or structures around it. 


We have well-qualified practitioners in fields who are able to assess, diagnose and treat within all three areas of potential stress to your body.  A consistent and regular effort on your part - and with guidance and occasional intervention from us - will allow you to make steady and predictable progress towards a healthier, steadier and happier life.


The practitioners below are very interested in helping you achieve your overall optimal wellbeing. They believe in making small changes to your Lifestyle, Nutrition, Movement and Mindset that make a big difference to your health. Read more about Wellbeing Consultations and Recalibrate Wellbeing. Contact reception on 01622 661883 to discuss these offerings.

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