Bumps and Babies
We want to help you feel empowered during your pregnancy journey.
We have established an enviable team of professionals who specialise in women and new families. The team works closely together referring and conferring between each other, to ensure you can have the best possible experience through your journey as a woman; as a mum-to-be, new mum, and throughout menopause.
Who is on the team?
Reflexologist, Georgina Strickland - who provides treatments specially to promote fertility and balanced hormones leading up to conception, and assists with stress management and general comfort through your pregnancy and after.
Rachel Leeder and Rebecca Stokes are experienced Baby & Child Osteopaths, who also take a special interest in helping pre and post natal mothers.
Rebecca Stokes is also trained as an Infant Feeding Coach.
This means we are able to...
Help with stress-related symptoms.
Educate on coping strategies.
Provide check-ups after the birth - important also for babies/toddlers...
Treat and/or advise on any problems you may have when your body has to cope with being heavier as well as lifting a baby as it gets heavier.
And much more...