Southcote Proactive Healthcare
...because your health is our concern.
Southcote as a Healthcare Clinic has been in its present location - a large Edwardian house - since 1996; but we have been a functioning clinic in Maidstone since 1991.

Our Story
The partners Jesper Dahl and Charlotte With pride themselves on providing a caring and friendly environment as the setting for excellence and expertise within well-established and proactive branches of healthcare. We are a multi-disciplinary team committed to ensuring you receive optimal care.
We want to make you feel welcome from the moment you enter the reception, where the administrative team will greet you, through to consulting any and all members of our professional team.
Our team consists of some of the best practitioners from a number of health care professions; whose services are described in detail on individual pages on this site. We all work closely together in treating and rehabilitating a wide range of nerve, muscle and joint problems as well as other associated conditions. In these tasks we take advantage of each other's special interests and areas of expertise and often refer and consult between us when we believe a multi-disciplinary approach can benefit our patients/clients.
The clinic deals with acute as well as chronic conditions and prides itself on progressing the management of these through to cover maintenance and preventative care.
Everyone in the team is committed to continued professional development and this ensures the knowledge base in the clinic is kept current with new developments - and importantly - that you get the best possible care.
We look forward to meeting you and will strive to exceed the expectations you have towards proactive healthcare.​​​​